
Monday, September 13, 2010


I am trying something new.

That isn't really anything new...but I want to test this T-Tapp program I have been introduced to by my sister Allison.

My purpose in recording my 30 day challenge is to provide for my family a record of my experience so that they might in due course, find if this can help them in their own physical challenges.

I will be very honest and forward with all my weight and health problems.

I hope the results I anticipate to experience will motivate the people I love to apply this program to their lives.

I won't be changing my diet at all in these 30 days. I might add the skin brushing routine later on in the 30 days and will notify you when I do. I will not be weighing myself at all these 30 days except at the beginning and end. I will record my measurements at the beginning, weekly and end.

Because of my desire to loose at least 4 clothing sizes, I will be doing the Basic Workout PLUS everyday for 2 weeks then every other day for the following 2 weeks. The reason I am only going to do the Basic Workout PLUS is because it is only 15 min. I want to show people that just 15 min can make a difference without even changing my food diet. I anticipate that after the 30 days I might follow her God Made/Man Made food plan. But I want to start simple, so you all can say...I can do that too!

As much as I hate to, I will post pictures of myself in tight clothes... Ugh!

When Allison Introduced this to me, I was very excited to find something that might actually have serious effect on my weight and health problems with just a little bit of daily investment. I say that because I WANT TO HAVE FUN! I don't want to HAVE to go to the gym or HAVE to train for a 5k, Sprint Tri or other exercise filled activities. I want to do those things because it is FUN for me to do them, not because if I DON'T do them I won't be able to loose weight and be healthy. This is about finding and using a program that is quick and intense for the moments I do it, but allows for me to go about the rest of my life in a relaxed way, enjoying all the things I like to do and doing all the things I have wanted to try.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this program, but I'm interrested in looking it up. Thanks for all the info. I'm not much of an exercise buff myself, and my diet isn't to be desired, but I realize I need to make changes in my routines to get healthier and more fit - I always feel like I'm so tired and I want more energy!
    My aunt gave me a book recently you might find interresting if you ever decide to change the diet part of your routines - it's called, "The Right Diet for your Type" (or something like that). My Aunt went from a size 14 to a size 8 by following this diet only and not exercising, except she played golf once or twice a week. It explains that the way your body reacts to foods depends on what blood type you have. Some foods will make you burn calories faster, while others will inhibit your body's ability to digest, causing you to retain weight/not digets properly. I found some of the foods I've been avoiding in order to lose weight are on my "highly beneficial list", so I've been avoiding foods that are potentially helpful in my body's healthy processes. I'm hoping that if I follow this diet I can shed some of these post-baby (3 years later) weight.
    Good luck on your goals! Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so it might take a while to see a difference on your scale, even while you feel better and fit into clothes better. :)
