
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2

Well...I did it!  2 days in a row!  I did the instructional video again today and heard new things and was better at remembering to tuck the gut and feel like I am getting a better understanding of the moves.  It is so interesting to me how a 15 min exercise routine can leave my arms especially feeling like I just lifted weights for 1 hour straight!  My recovery time is good though.  My body doesn't seem too tired as I go through my day.  Though last night, my Left Knee was THROBBING.  It just needed REST!  I think my muscles in that knee are especially week and never fully recovered from surgery.  So maybe another side benefit from these exercises will strengthen the muscles that connect at my knee as I make sure to do Knees to little toes (KLT).  I sorta am eating junk food right now...I guess as a way to sabotage myself and also to PROVE to myself that these exercises have true validity to them and make a difference to my metabolism and muscles.

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