
Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 1

Today I got up around 7:45am. I prepared breakfast for the Jeff and the kiddos and made lunch for my Hubby since it is our 8th Wedding Anniversary. Making him a lunch NEVER happens, but who knows...I might just turn over a new leaf starting this T-Tapp thing in more areas of my life than I thought.

We had scripture time with the girls and then I invited them to come do 15 min exercises with can be included in their home-school curriculum too! They didn't last long, but I made it through. It is a lot of information to try and process at first. I don't know if I am really doing the movements correct, but that's why I have the book, to help me in my positioning so that I get the most benefit from the workout.

Honestly, it seemed like a LONG 15 min. I did the instructional video first and then skipped to the end of the Basic PLUS to do the Hoe-Down. I need the Instructional help she offers on that Basic video, it reminds me to keep my body in the T-Tapp position and I anticipate needing those reminders for at least the first week if not more.

After the workout I was hot, warmed all over but not dripping in sweat or anything. My muscles felt a bit fatigued and even now an hour later, my arms are a bit tired from the arm sequence. But, not tired enough to keep me from my full day of activity, which includes getting a tape measure so I can post all my measurements for you!

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