
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16 and 17

I didn't get around to posting yesterday even though I did do my work out.  I am interested to really see the benefits of taking every other day off, because today on my rest day I feel anxious to move, to do the workout or something similar.  I spent a little bit of time watching other quick videos with moves like "Awesome Legs" and "Jog Rocks." They are moves that can also be done in 5-10 min.  Teresa has a lot of developed moves in addition to the Basic Work Out and Total Workout that have a lot of benefits.  I am feeling to hold off on adding those because I really want to experience the results of just the BWO+ over 4 weeks.  I want my family to be able to see the results and consider this program for themselves. I also read through the God Made/Man Made (GM/MM) food guidelines.  I think it is very balanced and a healthy approach.  I think I will start integrating that slowly.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 15 & Wk 2 Measurements

Today is the first day in 2 weeks that I haven't done my workout.  It is a good thing, because my Left knee is hurting a bit.  Must have pushed it too hard yesterday.

I am excited to share with you my progress, and I am making slow and steady progress!

I am very pleased with these results.  A total loss of 9" around my whole body in only 2 weeks is SWEET!  I still haven't changed my diet and am still working on certain health issues...but this is PROGRESS! :))  I did take pictures this morning, but I will wait to post new pictures of me until I have finished 1 month of the program, hopefully by then it will be a noticeable difference.

I will be doing the BWO+ every other day for the next 2 weeks and hope to add to that a daily skin brushing routine that Teresa Tapp recommends.

I would be very interested to know if any of you out there are interested in starting this program too and that way we can be of support to each other.  Let me know!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

DAY 14!

I did it!  14 days in a row!  I have jump started my system and can feel my muscles getting stronger because new ones are appearing.  I can feel myself getting comfortable with one move enough to add another technique and thus a new muscle seems to appear!

Tomorrow I am taking the day off, but I have plans to keep adding something new and interesting to my regimen.   I will take my measurements tomorrow and hope to have some exciting news to report for another hour and forty-five minutes of working out.

Until MaƱana.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 13

Today is my lucky number.  I love the number 13.  So, I did my work out this morning and accomplished a whole lot more.  Found a way cute skirt at ROSS in a size 12 no less!  My hubby made it possible for me to go to the RS Broadcast and helped me clean out the garage so one car in parked inside.  Very successful day; and it all started with a little bit of T-Tapp.  :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 12

Today was a special day for me.  I got to do my T-Tapp routine with my Mom.  :) 

We did the instructional video and though that is a great start, there is so much to still be learned and applied by reading the books information on form and technique.

It might seem odd to do this at first, there is a lot of moves going on.  But just keep practicing...and Mom was supprised at how much of a work out it really was.  I think this would have a marvelous effect on her diabetes and after you learn the work out...again, it is only 14-15 min a day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 11

HA! So you thought I might not get my post in today!  WRONG.  I did my workout this morning, but just haven't had time to sit down and write in here.

Not much to say except I know I am moving toxins around because I am getting some serious acne.  Stuff on my neck and one even in my ear lob.  I need to be better about drinking my water!  I have been weak on that lately.

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 10 - A Harvesting Principle

This is becoming routine, in a good way.  Everyday I get my heart rate up and every day I feel my muscles spent after I work out, but then I still have energy for the rest of the day.

One of the more easy exercises during the workout is called a Reach Scoop.  It is so simple that I thought I must be doing something wrong in my form and technique so I double checked the book for more information.

With the weight on R leg and the L leg extended slightly to the side of you, reach your L arm over your head and let your R arm drop lateral to your leg.  Your shoulders should be in alignment with your hips and not tilted forward.  It allows gravity to pull your body over more and stretch more along the L side.  Hold and inhale then reach and straighten your L arm as you bring it back down to your side and tap your L leg as you continue on the other side.  Really you are reaching with one arm and then flipping the palm to do a scooping motion as you bring the arm back to your side.

What I didn't know before: R arm should hang straight down, inhale and exhale two counts each - so hold for four counts, reach down while you reach up, it extends the stretch from Rib to Hip exercising the transverse ab muscles (lower tummy).

And as always: Focus on tucking your butt & KLT with your bent knee

Yesterday I ordered my TOTAL WORKOUT Kit.  It includes my body brush and I am excited to see the effects of that over time.

I am trusting a harvesting principle as I do this... little bits over a long time can reap great rewards.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 9

I woke up this morning and instantly went and did my workout.  It totally WOKE me up.  I can feel my legs getting stronger.  As I get better at this I am using more muscles that have been dormant way too long. 

Last night I had a difficult time falling asleep.  I knew I was tired, I felt that anxiousness in my body and as much as I wanted to sleep I couldn't calm my body down.  So I decided to get out of bed and try the PBS (Primary Back Stretch).  It was so cool, I did only 1 rep of the 2 rep set and then laid down much calmer and fell asleep listening to the increased beating of my heart.  I was OUT like that!  It is something I will have to teach and do with my kids at night to make bedtime easier and faster!

I also want to say something about last week.  I know I mentioned this briefly but just want to state again that I didn't change my diet, in fact, I super sugar'd' it up.  I know this isn't my normal pattern of eating, but I DO love my sugar and salt and bread and fruit and....anything yummy really.  So if I was to eat better I might even have better results, but I am not going to worry about that right now. 

Yesterday I did take an hour to listen to 2 of her CD's on Skin Brushing.  VERY interested how she approaches the skin as an organ that needs to be exercised and strengthened and when it is you have results of less cellulite and varicose veins because you skin is acting like a strong girdle and holding it all in. 

Check out her store here

Monday, September 20, 2010


So...I know you all have been waiting for this day to come. 

You have been thinking to yourselves if this silly little thing Tam is doing could have any results. 

I am pleasantly surprised that in 7 days of working out daily for 15 min I have good results to report to you.  That is a total of 1 hour and 45 min of exercise this week.

But first...about my workout today.  I was able to add new techniques to the BWO+ and man, I am feeling it in my legs, but surprisingly that isn't where I am losing inches.  I am losing inches in my mid section, which is where I want to. 

I also checked out the T-Tapp Forums this weekend and found a lot of inspiring stories and experiences.  Check out & a WHOLE BUNCH of other great stories here

I know that my experience won't be everyone's experience.  In light of that and to honor the fact that every one can have great results with this program, just in a different way, I invited my sister Allison to also contribute to this blog and share her experiences.  She'll share her story soon I'm sure.

So let's look at the results for WEEK 1

As you can see...even though I have apparently gained .5" in my abdomen (which is measured at 3" below belly button) and also .5" in my lower thighs (which is measured at 2" above knee cap), I have lost a total of 4.5" everywhere else.  Most noticeably 1.5" in my waist.  

I'll let that speak for itself and we'll see how it goes next week! 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 7 - New Pain :)

Last night I spent some time reading over the description of half basic plus workout.  I learned some key point of moves, things that I haven't been doing at all.  One of those is that when you do the plie sequence, it is best to activate more muscles if you grip your hands in an "O" fashion, with all you fingers touching your thumb.  Also, when you roll up, have your fingers slide a long your legs and focus on pointing the thumbs backwards, it engages muscles I didn't knew where there with that movement.

So today after applying these new techniques as well as really focusing on KLT, I am in new pain!  But I like it.  Doing these exercises is so great, because though you might not do them perfect at first, you can still get results, and as your body strengthens, you add new information and technique, and you have a whole new level of pain...and as Jeff says, pain is weakness leaving the body. :)  Yay for pain!

Measurements TOMORROW!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 6 - 14 min!

Well...I just timed the workout again.  It is a 16 min video but actually only 14 min of workout.  Even better!

I am so tempted to go and measure myself...if I could only find the tape measure!

There is a move that I have been wondering about and just looked it up in the book and realized I have been doing it all wrong.  It is where you grab your calves and bend over and I thought rock the whole upper torso up and down in front of the legs.  We'll I just read about it and realized what proper form is.  When you bend over and have grabbed the calves you have your legs engaged in KLT and focus on relaxing the neck and shoulders. You tighten your butt...which I haven't really figured out how to do while bent over...and while pushing your hands into your calves while your legs are pushing out in KLT, you rock just your head 4 times with out any other body movement. 

Good stuff.  It's like shaking out all the stress and junk and trash from my head every morning!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 5 - Transformation

I have a lot of hope for myself today.

I was talking with my Mom last night reviewing things that have changed with my body in just 5 days.  Most significantly is the strength I am feeling in my Left Knee.  Knowing that my body has had auto-immune disorder tendencies for the last 10 years, I feel that this brief 15 min workout is helping re-set my immune system and strengthen my knee muscles from a past surgery. 

I just watched a video on a women named Charlotte Siems.  In 2 years she has had remarkable success.  For myself, it is hopeful to see what a little bit can do on a consistent basis.  Watch the video and see how it makes YOU feel.

When I watch this video I see my own potential as well as the potential for my Dad and Mom, for my syblings and spouse and even a healthy routine for my children.  That fills me with hope!

I don't see my body changing everything in just 4 weeks...but I am hopeful for progress and some changes.  I am not overwhelmed by the thought of doing this work out a few times a week for the next 12 months, during pregnancy or even the rest of my life.  It is that complete and satisfying.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 4 Just in Time

So, I just finished my work out 2 minutes ago.  Started at 8:30pm.  Finished at 8:46pm.  I know what you might be thinking right now.  I thought Tam said that this workout was only 15 min.  Well...if your gonna get all worked up about moving your body for 1 more minute I think we best part ways now.

Today was very busy.  We took Jeff into work and decided to hang out in SLC.  Fun stuff to do there by the way.  It was our Field Trip for the week I guess with a stop at the Salt Lake Art Center and their 18 Miniture Golf holes of Art.  We stopped in at the new Flagship DB and hit up the Lion House for lunch and a Tour of the Beehive house after.  So, lots of walking.  Came home and made Strawberry Jam and then Dinner.  We just got the girls to bed and I had to do my work out still.  I was TIRED, but I did my 15 min and surprisingly feel pretty darn good.  I have had a stomach ache for most of the afternoon and have to say the moving my body made it feel better.

Also, on a side note, I have been doing this workout for 4 days now and it might be my imagination or something, but when getting my shorts on this morning, I sware that my pants felt less tight around my waist.  Could it be that a little bit of something for the previous 3 days had that quick of an impact...I guess you will all find out Monday when I post my measurements for Week 1.

I did the Basic Plus today with no instruction.  I liked it.  It feels fast and easier as I am understanding body positions better.  But I need to read the books description the moves.  It'll help me get even more from the workout. is never too late for 15 16 min of good ol' exercise.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 3 Wobbly Legs

This is becoming more of a routine...and just in case your is making a lunch for my husband to take to work. AHHHHHhhhh what is becoming of me?!?!

Today I feel it in my legs!  Arms are doing pretty fine right now.  It is important to stand with your toes directly forward, and when I engage the KLT it really makes a difference.  Basically I am in a semi-squat position for 80% of the workout.

I also noticed that since I have been doing the instructional video, I am actually spending more like 25-30 min every morning.  But I think it is worth it till I get the moves down.  Tomorrow I will try just the Basic Workout PLUS for my 15 min and then the Hoe Down.  We'll see what that does to me!

I read about the importance of deep breathing.  Apparently we are normally getting only 1/3 of the Oxygen we are capable of.  AND...When O2 reaches fat molecules it breaks them down to Carbon Dioxide and water! Did you know that breathing is like disposing of the garbage?  The toxins that collect in the body drain through 2 ducts situated at the base of the next and the thoracic duct, and when we breath it massages the thoracic duct upward, emptying the lymph into the veins where flushes through the liver and kidneys. (in a nutshell) 

If you wanna read more about simply breathing...check out page 77 in her book.  Find her book here:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2

Well...I did it!  2 days in a row!  I did the instructional video again today and heard new things and was better at remembering to tuck the gut and feel like I am getting a better understanding of the moves.  It is so interesting to me how a 15 min exercise routine can leave my arms especially feeling like I just lifted weights for 1 hour straight!  My recovery time is good though.  My body doesn't seem too tired as I go through my day.  Though last night, my Left Knee was THROBBING.  It just needed REST!  I think my muscles in that knee are especially week and never fully recovered from surgery.  So maybe another side benefit from these exercises will strengthen the muscles that connect at my knee as I make sure to do Knees to little toes (KLT).  I sorta am eating junk food right now...I guess as a way to sabotage myself and also to PROVE to myself that these exercises have true validity to them and make a difference to my metabolism and muscles.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 1

Today I got up around 7:45am. I prepared breakfast for the Jeff and the kiddos and made lunch for my Hubby since it is our 8th Wedding Anniversary. Making him a lunch NEVER happens, but who knows...I might just turn over a new leaf starting this T-Tapp thing in more areas of my life than I thought.

We had scripture time with the girls and then I invited them to come do 15 min exercises with can be included in their home-school curriculum too! They didn't last long, but I made it through. It is a lot of information to try and process at first. I don't know if I am really doing the movements correct, but that's why I have the book, to help me in my positioning so that I get the most benefit from the workout.

Honestly, it seemed like a LONG 15 min. I did the instructional video first and then skipped to the end of the Basic PLUS to do the Hoe-Down. I need the Instructional help she offers on that Basic video, it reminds me to keep my body in the T-Tapp position and I anticipate needing those reminders for at least the first week if not more.

After the workout I was hot, warmed all over but not dripping in sweat or anything. My muscles felt a bit fatigued and even now an hour later, my arms are a bit tired from the arm sequence. But, not tired enough to keep me from my full day of activity, which includes getting a tape measure so I can post all my measurements for you!

Measurements, Health Problems and Pictures

It is VERY helpful to read the book before you begin and as you do these workouts

I have learned that I am a short torso/long leg body. Mostly because I have absolutely NO space between my last rib and my hip bone. After I take my measurements today I will verify my self analysis of my body type.

This is the description for a Short Torso/Long Leg body in the book.
  • The distance from your rib to hip measures two inches or less
  • The distance from your knee to ankle is equal to or greater than the distance from you knee to hip.
  • You tend to gain weight along the inner thighs and lower tummy.
This means I have to ESPECIALLY strengthen my core muscles to keep my organs in place, since they really don't have much space to go except OUT. It also plays into the fact that I won't be able to do all the exercises to the extent other people might with their longer torsos.

UPDATE:  So I took my measurements for my body type.  These measurements are 1. Bottom Rib to top of hip bone: 1" (maybe, probably less) 2. Knee joint to ankle bone: 15" 3. Knee joint to hip joint: 15"

With these measurements I would definitly put myself into the Short Torso/Long Leg Category, but... how and where I collect my fat is more of a COMBO with Short Torso Tendencies.  You will be able to see in the pictures below more of what I am talking about.

Why a Short Torso/Long Leg? Well...I have a thick waistline with a bit of bulging tummy and pooch.  With a little butt I can tend to arch my butt which inactivates my muscles at the top of my hip and so I store fat there so I got myself some nice "hip pads" and pushes my organs forward and down to create my pooch.  And my upper body is definitely larger than my lower body.

Why a combo?  Well...I am prone to back fat and hip pads and I keep a nice roll of fat below my belly button and have a little more meat on my upper arms.

Regardless...these are just guidelines and I don't need to feel  boxed in.  But understanding my body structure is helpful in choosing clothes.  After my 4 weeks test, I might have even more of a understanding of my body structure because I will have removed some of the extra baggage.


BUST: 44"
PECS: 41"
RIBS: 34"
WAIST: 37"
HIPS: 42"
UPPER THIGHS R: 25.5"  L: 25.5"
LOWER THIGHS R: 17" L: 17"
CALVES R: 15.25" L: 15.25"
UPPER ARMS R: 13" L: 13"

Currently I weigh 190 lbs. That is at least about 35 lbs. overweight for me. I am not free of stress in my life which also plays a big part into weight gain. I have recently moved from CA to UT within 3 weeks of my husband being offered a new job; and I homeschool 2 of my 3 kids. Those are some of my basic stresses.

I have experienced some Hypothyroidism (Hasimotos Thyroiditis) that has improved, but shows my tendency towards Auto-Immune Disorders. I have Left Knee issues that seem to show arthritic problems, or weakness from a Arthroscopic surgery 10 years ago. Though I have 3 healthy little girls, I have lost 2 boys at 20 weeks pregnancy in 2007 and 2009. I would like to get pregnant again in the near future but still have my anxieties about carrying a baby full term. Since my last miscarriage, my menstruation cycle has been a bit irregular, going from anywhere between 28 - 36 days between cycles. I have had acne breakouts on mostly my chin and jawline, as well as some of my hair line. My skin tends to be very dry and I have a bit of an itchy scalp. I have been loosing a lot of hair of late which seems to have migrated to my chin. My legs fall asleep quite fast when I sit and my arms do the same at night when I sleep and my shoulders get very stiff during sleep. I feel shortness of breath when I move suddenly or climb stairs. I wake up most mornings with feeling of swelling in my hands and feet. My left foot has been experiencing a lot of pain in the last 3 months. My arch in constantly hurting me and shoes don't seem to support it.

I do get around 8 hours of sleep each night. I take UniKey's Female Multiple Vitamin and Dr. Ohirra's Probiotic daily.

I try to drink at least 64 oz of water or Cran-water daily. I have a tendency to miss breakfast but will try to eat at least 3 meals a day plus my snacks of course.

 I think I have described my body enough and will let you examine these pictures.... :-P


I am trying something new.

That isn't really anything new...but I want to test this T-Tapp program I have been introduced to by my sister Allison.

My purpose in recording my 30 day challenge is to provide for my family a record of my experience so that they might in due course, find if this can help them in their own physical challenges.

I will be very honest and forward with all my weight and health problems.

I hope the results I anticipate to experience will motivate the people I love to apply this program to their lives.

I won't be changing my diet at all in these 30 days. I might add the skin brushing routine later on in the 30 days and will notify you when I do. I will not be weighing myself at all these 30 days except at the beginning and end. I will record my measurements at the beginning, weekly and end.

Because of my desire to loose at least 4 clothing sizes, I will be doing the Basic Workout PLUS everyday for 2 weeks then every other day for the following 2 weeks. The reason I am only going to do the Basic Workout PLUS is because it is only 15 min. I want to show people that just 15 min can make a difference without even changing my food diet. I anticipate that after the 30 days I might follow her God Made/Man Made food plan. But I want to start simple, so you all can say...I can do that too!

As much as I hate to, I will post pictures of myself in tight clothes... Ugh!

When Allison Introduced this to me, I was very excited to find something that might actually have serious effect on my weight and health problems with just a little bit of daily investment. I say that because I WANT TO HAVE FUN! I don't want to HAVE to go to the gym or HAVE to train for a 5k, Sprint Tri or other exercise filled activities. I want to do those things because it is FUN for me to do them, not because if I DON'T do them I won't be able to loose weight and be healthy. This is about finding and using a program that is quick and intense for the moments I do it, but allows for me to go about the rest of my life in a relaxed way, enjoying all the things I like to do and doing all the things I have wanted to try.