
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekly Review

Tuesday 3/22 - Rested
Wednesday 3/23 - Step Away the Inches
Thursday 3/24 - BWO+
Friday 3/25 - Step it to the Max
Saturday 3/26 - BWO+ 2x
Sunday 3/27 - Rested
Monday 3/28 - TWO
Tuesday 3/29 - BWO+
Wednesday 3/30 - Lower Body Tempo (Standing)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Review

3/15 Tuesday - BWO+ and 4 miles of cardio
3/16 Wednesday - BWO+
3/17 Thursday - Rested
3/18 Friday - CLINIC in Draper, UT - BWO+ and TWO, Hit the Floor.
3/19 Saturday - Rested
3/20 Sunday - Rested
3/21 Monday - Tempo Lower Body 60 min.  WOW! and WOW!  Great workout and VERY hard.  But totally worth the total time.  I learned some new moves that I hadn't seen before and realized that my ability to do certain moves will only improve as I show my consistency over time.

T-Tapp Clinic in Draper Utah

Last Friday I was so lucky to go and T-Tapp for at least 4 hours with 2 excellent trainers Kayla Howard and Charlotte Siems.  From 2pm - 9pm I was re-introduced to muscles in my body that had been sorta dormant even with doing T-Tapp consistently for over a month!  We started out doing an intensive training on the BWO+.  Charlotte was great in teaching us new techniques that help engage more muscles as we go about the 15 min routine!  Hand positions and a more narrow T-Tapp stance were key things I picked up.  I also realized that I am not bending my knees as far as I can, as well as not engaging my Lats like I should have been.  I am looking forward to the results this will produce for me in my upper thighs and back fat.  I also am noticing how more often during the day or when I have to bend over to pick up toys etc, I am pulling my belly button to spine.  I know that consistency in this will help reduce the abdomen. 

We had a nice meal from Goodwood BBQ together.  It was so great to meet other women from the Utah area with someone even from Idaho!  I started a Thread on the T-Tapp Forums to help us support each other and keep us connected and accountable.  We'll see if anyone other than myself participates.  We also talked A LOT about Dressing Your Truth since the Clinic was held at the Center for Living Your Truth.  If you want to learn more about this as well, go to

Kayla ended the evening for us with 2 hours of INTENSE floor work and more fine tuning of the Total Workout.  She became our drill Sargent and cheer leader!  I thought I was doing pretty good on my form earlier in the day, but was corrected by Charlotte many times in the evening.  Probably was too tired to hold good form.  By 8:30pm and doing the Diva Derriere I knew I would be WAY sore the next day, which I welcomed!

Something that I also found encouraging is that as I observed the bodies of Kayla and Charlotte I realized how normal these women are.  They are FIT and STRONG and TONED but don't look like the skin and bones versions of fit you might see in the media.  My personal goal isn't to become the next size 0.  I want to be the best Fit, Strong and Toned Tamarah that I can be. 

Our Trainers were Awesome!  Teresa does train us well over the videos, but there are many simple form tips that are much better implemented and corrected in person.  I hear that Elizabeth Platt, a T-Tapp trainer from Southern California is planning on coming up to Utah for a Clinic in the Fall.  There are trainers and events all over the United States so I would encourage you to attend one even if you have been T-Tapping for a while and especially if you are new to the system.  It will make your results that much better to be doing the moves correctly and to the best of your ability. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

God Made, Man Made

Since I finished my 30 day January Jumpstart Challenge I am glad to say I am still going strong.  I have found the courage to start working on my choice of food now.

Just for the record:

Feb 28 - TWO
Feb 29 - Spinning Class - 30 min of death!
March 1-6 Aunt Flo came to visit and I just couldn't do much that week for both emotional and physical reasons.
March 7 - TWO
March 8 - BWO+ and 4 miles @ gym. 
March 9 - BWO+
March 10 - BWO+ and 4 miles @ gym.
March 11 - can't remember
March 12 - off
March 13 - off
Today - March 14 - Critter Crunch 1 hour Instructional.

I have been holding steady on my inches lost.  Gained more weight.  I realized though that my "at the heart of it issue" isn't about my ability to get up and MOVE.  My struggle is my relationship with food.  What I choose to eat and how much I eat of it.  I am more willing now to say NO to certain foods because saying NO means I am saying YES to ME! 

I might have a slight problem with thinking that if I don't take advantage of the great food in front of me NOW, then it won't be there in the future.  So, basically living in a scarcity mentality.  This morning I told myself that I don't have to do this anymore.  I am not going to starve.  Food will always be available,  sweets will be there too.  I can enjoy those later.  I am just going to focus on my NOW. 

I started a food journal today.  NOT my favorite thing, but I want to hold myself accountable, so for the next while I get to write out all I eat, record my exercises and maybe share a bit of the emotions around what I choose to eat.

I am also excited to have joined a dinner/recipe program called the Six O'clock Scramble.  Dinner is always my hardest meal of the day.  I receive the Menu on Wednesday for the next weeks meals.  I do my shopping on Saturday and start my new meals that night.  These meals are healthy and great!  Providing the main course as well as a healthy side dish.  Last night was Egg Noodles with Cabbage and Onions and a side of Artichokes.  I consider that tasty AND healthy. 

The other food aspect of letting go of my weight/size is implementing in my own way Teresa Tapp's diet program called God Made, Man Made.  Basically for 2 days in a row you eat God Made foods.  The 3rd day you are allowed to have a bit more Man Made kind of foods.  I think the focus here is to create a pattern of moderation.  I like that. 

When you order her Start-up Program the GM/MM guidelines are included.  Teresa says the program "is a straightforward way of training your body to process Man Made carbohydrates to keep weight under control." 

So in trying to focus on what I CAN have on GM days here are some options you might be surprised by.
Dairy: I was sorta surprised by this one.
Veggies: Of Course!
Fruit: Considered God's Candy.  Keep to 2 servings a day.  Keep it fresh, when possible!
Bread, Grain, and Rice: QUALITY, QUALITY, QUALITY!   Whole grains without preservatives.  (Go Ezekiel Bread!)
Sugar & Fat: MODERATION in honey and dried fruits, also butter and olive oil.

Monday, February 28, 2011

January Jumpstart Challenge FINAL RESULTS

 Inch loss comes with Time!

This morning I submitted my final results to T-Tapp for the January Jumpstart 30 day Challenge.

I am very pleased with my results overall.  My intention was #1 to become consistent in my workouts and #2 do a minimum of BWO+ 6 days per week.  I did this 98% of the time.  Missing only a couple of days on the last week.  10.25 inches for 15 min/day in 30 days isn't bad at all! 

This is what I wrote in to T-Tapp as my final essay:

This truly has been a JUMPSTART for me.  I began this Challenge just 10 days after my 3rd second trimester miscarriage.  Though I looked forward to any and all inches lost, I was excited for something to keep my mind focused and help with the many emotions that come up after a personal loss.  With T-Tapp and other things my emotional state is amazing considering my recent experience and I am feeling physically stronger.  I know and trust my body machine to do what it needs, knows and wants to do.  One of my favorite personal accomplishments during this month was that I kept to my consistency goal 98% of the time!  I am excited to continue the journey to more inch loss.  I have realized how great it is for me to make small goals and work towards them and have that great feeling of accomplishment at the end.  I built up a physical core strength and confidence to keep going with more challenging workouts and know those will bring me great results in the future.  I will celebrate every inch lost this last month and look forward to many more as I treat my body with love by Moving it every day! 

What is even better is that this morning I did a Total Workout (TWO) which is 50 min long.  I actually enjoyed it VERY much.  I can tell that doing BWO+ for the last month strengthened my core and my endurance so this new and longer workout doesn't seem so overwhelming and I am not likely to give up.  I am thinking about what I want my new mini challenge to be and for how long to do it.  I also think I want to come up with my long term goal in specific numbers and keep that in mind as I go forward with these mini challenges for myself. 

Onward, Forward!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3 Results & Inspiration

Dear Blog,

You have been on my mind all week.  I haven't been ignoring you honestly.  I have been wondering what I could share with you that you might find deeply interesting. 

Let's see if you find any of this interesting.

This last week I did the BWO+ barefoot mostly all week.  1 day of the 6 I did used the Floor Warm Up#1 Workout.  But life has been busy enough and I have been tired enough to only make 15 min a day to move my body.  My results for this week are a 2 inch reduction and a total of 9.25 inches gone.  (I am purposely trying not to use the word LOSS because when you lose things they tend to be found and I don't want to FIND my inch LOSS!)  I also realized that the Excel sheet I keep my measurements on, had a wrong formula and I actually lost reduced 4 inches the first week instead of 3.  Nice surprise!!!   I am hoping I can challenge myself more next week since I am coming up on the end of my 30 day challenge.  Sunday Feb 27 is my last day.  

One thing I did different this week was take a 45 min walk.  I don't get much time out and about by myself, but last Saturday I decided to just make it happen.  I left my dear husband home with the kids for Saturday Chores and off I went.  I love my man, he didn't complain a bit!  The weather was 40 degrees and Sunny with some wind.  I loved it!  My hands were a little chilled by the time I got home.  But it was nice to just walk and walk and walk.  We live close to a lake and it is so nice to walk around it, see majestic mountains surround me and nature just doing it's harmony thing. 

I even decided this week to try and wake up earlier, which means I have to get to bed earlier.  I have been so-so on that.  I was gonna try to do the God Made - Man Made food program, but that quickly became a silly thing with Valentines day around the corner.  I spent a lot of time making sugar cookies.  I think I made nearly 200 heart shaped surgar cookies with cream cheese buttercream frosting and some even had fondant (my first time working with fondant).  These moments of domestisity strike me every once in a while.

I also got to go and help clean the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  I never have done that before.  I oiled a ton of the woodwork and was inspired that even with little to no dust on the doors, frames, chairs, and paneling, beauty and cleanliness go hand in hand.  Cleanliness IS next to Godliness.  It inspired me to attack my home and make it more orderly and clean.  When there is order and cleanliness, I feel I am more apt to be inspired in the things in my life that need inspiration.  My house isn't as clean as the Temple, but it is a process and I will just keep at it.

2 other ladies and I did the wood here....

and here...
and the 2nd floor of here.  There were more doors/frames that aren't pictured.
The Celestial room.  The Whitest and Brightest room.  It takes 3 days to deep clean this room.
Others cleaned some of the crystals on this chandelier that night. This photo doesn't do it justice.  It must be around 12 feet tall.  They only broke a couple of the crystals.  

So, really everyone, stop reading this blog post and go pick a room in your house and clean it to the T.  Then sit in that room for at least 10 min and write down all the inspiration that comes to you.  The inspiration is just waiting to come to you just as the clutter is waiting to be cleaned up.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

T-Tapp Book Features


Do any of these words apply to YOU or someone you know?  

T-Tapp has so many different benefits.  These are just some of the words that have been used to describe what T-Tapp can help alleviate.  Go Check out these books that feature the T-Tapp workout in them and lets all improve our health together!  To read a snippet about each book check THIS out.

Dr. Perricone's 7 Secrets to
Beauty, Health and Longevity
Nicholas Perricone, M.D. 

The Antioxidant Prescription
Dr. Bryce Wylde

The Menopause Thyroid Solution
Mary J. Shomon  

Beauty by God:
Inside-Out Secrets
for Every Woman
Shelly Ballestero

IBS for Dummies
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

The Thyroid Diet Revolution
Mary J. Shomon

Animal Instincts
Gena Showalter

Hormone Balance
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

Week 2 Results

Tuesday I did Tempo Arms and Wednesday I did my BWO+ with an extra Hoe Down at night after I couldn't resist a Costco Carmel Apple Muffin. 

I was SOOO excited to receive in the mail my new workouts which are:

Barefoot Basic+
Warm Up #1 Workout with Crab Claws
Critter Crunch Instructional 
Critter Crunch Full Workout

This morning I did the Barefoot Basic+ Instructional.  WOW!  Sometimes I will do my BWO+ barefoot, just because it is quicker and easier than getting my socks and shoes on.  I felt I had strong ankles and was holding my form well...until I realized what NBT is.  NO BIG TOE is intense.  Going barefoot helps me to make the NK connection even better for when I choose to go back to shoes.  Lifting my toes and just using the ball of my foot to do the moves was Awesome!  It seriously did something for my metatarsols and engaged SOMETHING all the way up my legs.  I felt sore muscles after the workout all the way up the legs. (which is a good thing...3 hours later I don't feel that soreness)  She also taught a new way to hold your hands to do the T-Tapp Twist and I am realizing that one way isn't the best way...each way just engages something new.  

One of my consistent main focuses is to engage my Lats.  It pulls my shoulders down and back and it feels good!  Today I saw my husband just standing and thought to myself, he really needs to do the T-Tapp tuck stance to support his back better.  It looked painful to me just to see him standing with so much unnessesary strain on his lower back.  (sorry babe)  

But this is what T-Tapp is doing for me.  It is changing how I look at the body, at my body and is changing my body as I am consistent in my 6 workouts a week.  This week let's be honest.  I mostly did the BWO+ with 1 BROOM workout and a Tempo ARMs.  My results are still fantastic even with out changing my eating habits still.  I lost another 3.25 inches this week for a total of 6.25 inches in 2 weeks.  I am in this for the long haul so this might seem small to you, but it is awesome and huge for me.  I see myself doing this workout everyday for years and my body will slowly but consistently do its thing.  Just wait for the year after pics! 

I was on the Forum last night and saw a discussion on measuring.  I want to be as consistent as I can when and where I measure every time.  They mentioned this cool gadget you can get on Amazon for  $5.48.  It is called the MyoTape and is going to make my measuring way more consistent.  A BIG thanks to the wonderful women on the T-Tapp forums.  They truly have an amazing forum.

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a GIRL!

I haven't blogged since Thursday.  Last Friday was a bit of a big deal kind of day for me.  I did a BWO+ on Friday.  Rested Saturday.  BWO+ Sunday and today, Monday, I did the 45 min T-Tapp BROOM workout.  Feeling good...keeping true to my goal of 6 workouts a week.

But back to Friday.  I had my follow up appointment with my OB/GYN to get my test results and the test results of our baby.  They did a Caryotype (sp) and Autopsy on the baby and discovered that our baby boy was ACTUALLY a baby GIRL!  You might wonder what my response to this was...and I just wanna say...I laughed!  I laughed out loud and laughed as I called Jeff and told him.  I cried later that night because I was so full of mixed emotions.

You might be wondering how this could get mixed up...well our baby Girl passed away around 15-16 weeks.  At this time period the gentiles are still doing their morphing.  It was through the chromosone testing and autopsy that it was determined she was truly XX.  The results otherwise gave us no indication of why this is continuing to happen to our children. 

Though I am really truly doing well with the emotions of the passing of our baby...This News has shaken up my world again somewhat.  It isn't just about my boys is now about can I ever again carry a baby full term.  I would like to have more children,  but I don't know if it is really possible.  This uncertainty and pending decisions is what stresses me out.  I don't feel the need to decide right now...but I still want to know what my choice will be.  Confusing, I know.  There are so many variables in this.  But right now I am going to really try to focus on the PRESENT.  I have a wonderful husband, 3 beautiful girls and 3 children in heaven that I count as mine.  Good things ALWAYS happen to me!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sleep and Results

Just made a connection today: 

When I get a good 8 hours of sleep I am more likely to do a workout beyond my basic 15 min BWO+.  More incentive to not stay up till 2am. :))  Needless to say...I only got a BWO+ in so far today.  But by just becoming AWARE of this...I can now change my actions.  Recognition/Awareness/whatever you call it is the key to manifesting change in your life.  What are you aware of that wants to be changed in YOUR life?


The Results of Week 1

I don't think I will post each individual area of results yet.  Maybe at 2 and 4 weeks.  But my total inch loss this week is a whopping.... 3".  Most of the inch loss is on the top of my body which makes sense since I am a Short Torso/Long Leg body.  Not bad at all for 2 full workouts (TWO and BROOM) and 3 BWO+ and 1 Tempo Arms.  That is 6 of 7 days spent in sweaty bliss.  Another thing I have been doing more often then not is CRT Skin Brushing.  This is additional help for cleaning the Lymph out and getting more healthy skin!  I'll elaborate on this later I am sure.

I also emailed in my Waiver for the January Jumpstart Challenge and saw on FB that T-Tapp has an affliate program, so I decided to join.  Be ready for the links to appear on the side columns and go ahead and purchase the program.  It is AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Being Present

There is something special about T-Tapp in how it connects my mind to my body. 

It isn't one of those mindless workouts.  It requires constant brain power because your brain is telling your muscles to engage and activate.  I am constantly sending brain signals over and over and over to different muscles reminding them to RE-engage.  I realized while doing my BWO+ tonight that in these brief 15 minutes I am truly being present in my body and mind.  I can't ponder on the past or worry over the future.  I am present.  I think this is a gift of T-Tapp because in this world of so much information and to-do lists as long as the Nile, it is good for a brief moment every day to connect mind and body and live in the present. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Don't really know what my deal is today.

I must be tired.

I got in a BWO+ this morning.  But I feel I sorta checked out of the Mom thing today.

This happens occasionally.  It's like I need a whole day with minimal children interaction so that I can be better the next day.  When Jeff travels it makes it that much more challenging because it really is just me and the kids 24/7.  Lots of things didn't get done and I seem determined to be distracted by most everything but a couple good things.  Since I home school my girls, we did do a half day of school work.  That is all I had to give I guess.   I did take care of the bills.  I did rock my youngest for a couple minutes before she continued to boss me around and pull on my clothes saying "Come on, Mom" over and over and over again.  I did make my bed.  I did shower.  I did warm up the leftovers that only I ended up eating.  I did get to go to our Relief Society Meeting at Church and learn more about relationships/marriage and how to make/decorate awesome cakes.

Though on the other hand, I totally lost my patience with my kids.  Really? 30 min to brush your teeth?  But then again, where was I...being distracted again.  I couldn't even make it through family prayer honestly.  My sweet daughter was being helped by her big sister to pronounce TRIP.  Praying that Dad would drive safely on his TRIP...and I couldn't deal with that and my youngest 2 yr old jumping all over my body at the same time, so I cut my sweet daughter off and had her end the prayer.  What kind of Mom does that?  I briskly apologized for my mood to my girls.  Then I noticed a half eaten cupcake next to the side of the trash and harped on my oldest for not getting it ALL the way into the trash and then was caught off guard by her calm and sincere apology, "Sorry Mama, I didn't watch when I put that in the trash." 

I need sleep.  But I hate it when my husband is gone because it is so hard for me to will myself to my room and actually lay down and let my body do what it absolutely is begging me to do.  I would rather be distracted again.  Hmmm....wonder what I am trying to NOT think about and NOT engage in...

I don't think I want to go there right now. to be distracted.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Plan with no Plan is still a Plan....right?

Total Workout (TWO) today.  It felt really good.  I haven't worked on my legs like that in a while and those lungs and stretching moves really push me.  I am slowly getting better and better as I recognize which muscles to activate and re-activate with each move.

On Teresa Tapp's FB she posted about an awesome deal that I just couldn't pass up.  I got THESE new workouts.  Then when I checked out the Tapp Club specials I couldn't pass up THIS deal!  I am way excited to add them to my collection of awesome workouts! 

I have decided that if I plan too much then all my energy is used up in the planning and not in the executing.  So my plan now is really to have no plan.  Well, to clarify... I plan on working out at least 6 days a week.  If it is only BWO+ for those 6 days than so be it!  But my tentative plan is to do a full workout which is usually around 1 hour, 3x per week and then a chill & fun 15-30 min workout for the other 3x per week.   Push hard then take it easy and back and forth like that.  So my plan is to always exercise, but to let the choice of what new workout I will learn and master be the exciting and non-planned part. 

I never did share with you all that WAY back when I was being consistent, I was choosen to win one of the gift bags that they give away at the Retreat.  AWESOMENESS!  I loved the treats.  The soaps and other beauty products are amazing.  I got my own T-Tapp T-shirt and cloth grocery bag.  Thanks again to the T-Tapp family for choosing me.  I hope to WIN this 30 day challenge and get to see you all at the next retreat!

Just to let you know how good I am doing with my diet....I am not.  I think my food today mostly consisted of the cookies I made last night (chocolate and butterscotch).  I should really know better.  Though I won't be having cookies for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner everyday.... I know that T-Tapp can still make up for my slippage every once in a while. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Arms baby, Arms.

Just in case you thought I might end up looking like this by doing T-Tapp...I want to reassure you that I won't.

Today I did things a bit different.  Life was busy today so I only had time this morning for a BWO+.  So I decided that later today I would try out my newly purchased and unused for 3 months T-Tapp Tempo Series ARMS.  It is 27 min of the BWO+ with a strong emphasis on the ARMS!  My Lats and Deltoids are burning up.  My body is still sweating, but it all feels strangely soooo good! She uses the usual workouts that we do on the BWO+ and the TWO and then adds new moves.  The one I really loved was the SKI move.  It is like you are Cross Country Skiing and is a powerful move!  Good thing tomorrow is Sunday and my regular rest day.  Gonna be good to let these arms recover!

The more consistent I am doing T-Tapp, the more I realize how my bad posture contributes to my seemingly lack of muscle and definition in my upper body.  When I walk around I might not walk with my butt tucked and tummy in all the time, but there is a huge difference when I walk with my shoulders back and my lats engaged and ribs lifted.  Try it.  You might like it!

Let me 'esplain

For my few followers of this blog, you might already know about some of my personal life's most recent events.  But let me 'esplain for those who don't know; no, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Last September (2010) I started my own personal challenge using the T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus program and for 30 days tracked my progress in inches lost.  I continued that challenge for the next 30 days using the T-Tapp Total Workout program.  Then I found out I was pregnant. 

I have a bit of a paralyzing fear of working out while I am pregnant.  I have experienced 2 miscarriages during my second trimester of pregnancy and I have a fear (one of many) that I am the one causing these miscarriages by being too active.  Does that make sense?  Not at all.  We do irrational things when we are afraid. 

Once I found out I was preggo I stopped T-Tapping.  I dropped off the blog world, cause I didn't want to share that I was pregnant yet with others for fear that I might lose this baby too soon.  I was physically tired and just didn't feel I had the mental strength to make even a 15 min daily workout happen, even a few times a week.  I was living in fear and in excuses. 

Last Tuesday, Jan 18th, I went in for my 17 week check up to once again find that our baby had no heartbeat.  We went to the hospital that day to deliver our 3rd son, Collin Maxwell Bartmess.  He joined his big brothers Spencer Mark and Evan Riley in Heaven.  The emotions of this experience have been all over the place.  Physically I am doing extremely well.  The delivery was the best of any of this kind that I have had.  With the older 2 boys, we didn't find out that they had passed until I was nearly 20 weeks.  So finding out at 17 weeks this time was helpful because we might be able to find more information from the baby's tissues that we couldn't on the others since they had passed around 17 weeks and we didn't find out till around 20.

I know that I have many emotions that I don't know how to deal with right now, but I will have to face them sometime.  That is why I posted what I did on Monday, Jan 24th, which was also my birthday.  It was a great day for New Beginnings.

Tuesday I saw that T-Tapp was beginning a new challenge from Jan 27th to Feb 27th.  I was WAY excited to see this challenge, because it gave me something to focus on and work through my grief by getting physically stronger so I can deal with the things I need to emotionally. 

Thursday the 27th was the BIG day!  I took my photos and measurements and even though it was 9pm, got a BWO+ workout in.  This morning I woke up and tried a new workout by Teresa Tapp called the T-Tapp Broom.  I wasn't able to do all 1 hour 45 min worth because of my schedule today, but I did get in 75 min of moving my Lymph around and it felt GREAT!  I am constantly surprised at how simple the T-Tapp movements LOOK, until you are trying to do all KLT, Tuck, NBT, Lats and Shoulders movements at once while implementing her other workout moves too.  It is a little workout with a big KICK!  A Kick in my Booty!

At this point I don't have a specific plan for what workout, when, just that I am going to try and do some T-Tapp with a minimum of 15 min, 6 days/week.

I just finished my registration on tonight and uploaded my pics and measurements to the website.  I will try to get them up here too.  Pictures are always a bit embarrassing, but we gotta start from somewhere, right?

So now that it is actually 12:09am on the 29th I should get to bed.  Part of losing weight is getting good sleep.  So off to bed I go.

Monday, January 24, 2011


We all need this. 

I have decided to rename my blog for a couple of reasons.  I still intend on using T-Tapp as my basic workout regime, but my life has changed, which shouldn't be a surprise really, and I need a place to write my thoughts and process things other than focusing on one specific exercise program.

I have come to believe that as humans we are all experiencing the mourning process in some degree or another at all times in our lives.  I don't view that as a bad thing at all, because it makes us human and able to learn and grow from all of life's experiences.

I also feel that when our bodies are strong, we are then able to process spiritual and emotional feelings that otherwise we keep repressed because we physical can't handle the drain it is on us.  Our bodies know this and protect us from ourselves.

I know that there are things in my life that I need to work through and I honestly want to work through them so I don't want to back down from the challenge.  I want to help my soul heal and I intend to start that process by making my body strong enough to let it know that I can now process the emotions that lay dormant and stuffed down in my basement.  I trust my body and trust my spirit to come together on this one and I will be better for it.

So here goes my Everyday Exercise Therapy.