
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 2 Results

Tuesday I did Tempo Arms and Wednesday I did my BWO+ with an extra Hoe Down at night after I couldn't resist a Costco Carmel Apple Muffin. 

I was SOOO excited to receive in the mail my new workouts which are:

Barefoot Basic+
Warm Up #1 Workout with Crab Claws
Critter Crunch Instructional 
Critter Crunch Full Workout

This morning I did the Barefoot Basic+ Instructional.  WOW!  Sometimes I will do my BWO+ barefoot, just because it is quicker and easier than getting my socks and shoes on.  I felt I had strong ankles and was holding my form well...until I realized what NBT is.  NO BIG TOE is intense.  Going barefoot helps me to make the NK connection even better for when I choose to go back to shoes.  Lifting my toes and just using the ball of my foot to do the moves was Awesome!  It seriously did something for my metatarsols and engaged SOMETHING all the way up my legs.  I felt sore muscles after the workout all the way up the legs. (which is a good thing...3 hours later I don't feel that soreness)  She also taught a new way to hold your hands to do the T-Tapp Twist and I am realizing that one way isn't the best way...each way just engages something new.  

One of my consistent main focuses is to engage my Lats.  It pulls my shoulders down and back and it feels good!  Today I saw my husband just standing and thought to myself, he really needs to do the T-Tapp tuck stance to support his back better.  It looked painful to me just to see him standing with so much unnessesary strain on his lower back.  (sorry babe)  

But this is what T-Tapp is doing for me.  It is changing how I look at the body, at my body and is changing my body as I am consistent in my 6 workouts a week.  This week let's be honest.  I mostly did the BWO+ with 1 BROOM workout and a Tempo ARMs.  My results are still fantastic even with out changing my eating habits still.  I lost another 3.25 inches this week for a total of 6.25 inches in 2 weeks.  I am in this for the long haul so this might seem small to you, but it is awesome and huge for me.  I see myself doing this workout everyday for years and my body will slowly but consistently do its thing.  Just wait for the year after pics! 

I was on the Forum last night and saw a discussion on measuring.  I want to be as consistent as I can when and where I measure every time.  They mentioned this cool gadget you can get on Amazon for  $5.48.  It is called the MyoTape and is going to make my measuring way more consistent.  A BIG thanks to the wonderful women on the T-Tapp forums.  They truly have an amazing forum.

Have a GREAT day!

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