
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3 Results & Inspiration

Dear Blog,

You have been on my mind all week.  I haven't been ignoring you honestly.  I have been wondering what I could share with you that you might find deeply interesting. 

Let's see if you find any of this interesting.

This last week I did the BWO+ barefoot mostly all week.  1 day of the 6 I did used the Floor Warm Up#1 Workout.  But life has been busy enough and I have been tired enough to only make 15 min a day to move my body.  My results for this week are a 2 inch reduction and a total of 9.25 inches gone.  (I am purposely trying not to use the word LOSS because when you lose things they tend to be found and I don't want to FIND my inch LOSS!)  I also realized that the Excel sheet I keep my measurements on, had a wrong formula and I actually lost reduced 4 inches the first week instead of 3.  Nice surprise!!!   I am hoping I can challenge myself more next week since I am coming up on the end of my 30 day challenge.  Sunday Feb 27 is my last day.  

One thing I did different this week was take a 45 min walk.  I don't get much time out and about by myself, but last Saturday I decided to just make it happen.  I left my dear husband home with the kids for Saturday Chores and off I went.  I love my man, he didn't complain a bit!  The weather was 40 degrees and Sunny with some wind.  I loved it!  My hands were a little chilled by the time I got home.  But it was nice to just walk and walk and walk.  We live close to a lake and it is so nice to walk around it, see majestic mountains surround me and nature just doing it's harmony thing. 

I even decided this week to try and wake up earlier, which means I have to get to bed earlier.  I have been so-so on that.  I was gonna try to do the God Made - Man Made food program, but that quickly became a silly thing with Valentines day around the corner.  I spent a lot of time making sugar cookies.  I think I made nearly 200 heart shaped surgar cookies with cream cheese buttercream frosting and some even had fondant (my first time working with fondant).  These moments of domestisity strike me every once in a while.

I also got to go and help clean the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  I never have done that before.  I oiled a ton of the woodwork and was inspired that even with little to no dust on the doors, frames, chairs, and paneling, beauty and cleanliness go hand in hand.  Cleanliness IS next to Godliness.  It inspired me to attack my home and make it more orderly and clean.  When there is order and cleanliness, I feel I am more apt to be inspired in the things in my life that need inspiration.  My house isn't as clean as the Temple, but it is a process and I will just keep at it.

2 other ladies and I did the wood here....

and here...
and the 2nd floor of here.  There were more doors/frames that aren't pictured.
The Celestial room.  The Whitest and Brightest room.  It takes 3 days to deep clean this room.
Others cleaned some of the crystals on this chandelier that night. This photo doesn't do it justice.  It must be around 12 feet tall.  They only broke a couple of the crystals.  

So, really everyone, stop reading this blog post and go pick a room in your house and clean it to the T.  Then sit in that room for at least 10 min and write down all the inspiration that comes to you.  The inspiration is just waiting to come to you just as the clutter is waiting to be cleaned up.

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