
Monday, February 28, 2011

January Jumpstart Challenge FINAL RESULTS

 Inch loss comes with Time!

This morning I submitted my final results to T-Tapp for the January Jumpstart 30 day Challenge.

I am very pleased with my results overall.  My intention was #1 to become consistent in my workouts and #2 do a minimum of BWO+ 6 days per week.  I did this 98% of the time.  Missing only a couple of days on the last week.  10.25 inches for 15 min/day in 30 days isn't bad at all! 

This is what I wrote in to T-Tapp as my final essay:

This truly has been a JUMPSTART for me.  I began this Challenge just 10 days after my 3rd second trimester miscarriage.  Though I looked forward to any and all inches lost, I was excited for something to keep my mind focused and help with the many emotions that come up after a personal loss.  With T-Tapp and other things my emotional state is amazing considering my recent experience and I am feeling physically stronger.  I know and trust my body machine to do what it needs, knows and wants to do.  One of my favorite personal accomplishments during this month was that I kept to my consistency goal 98% of the time!  I am excited to continue the journey to more inch loss.  I have realized how great it is for me to make small goals and work towards them and have that great feeling of accomplishment at the end.  I built up a physical core strength and confidence to keep going with more challenging workouts and know those will bring me great results in the future.  I will celebrate every inch lost this last month and look forward to many more as I treat my body with love by Moving it every day! 

What is even better is that this morning I did a Total Workout (TWO) which is 50 min long.  I actually enjoyed it VERY much.  I can tell that doing BWO+ for the last month strengthened my core and my endurance so this new and longer workout doesn't seem so overwhelming and I am not likely to give up.  I am thinking about what I want my new mini challenge to be and for how long to do it.  I also think I want to come up with my long term goal in specific numbers and keep that in mind as I go forward with these mini challenges for myself. 

Onward, Forward!

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