
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Days 18, 19 and 20

I have been able to do my workouts every other day this week. Even with a toddler hanging all over my legs and as annoying as that was, I finished it. This is as much of a training process for me as it is for my kiddos...that 15 minutes of the day is mine...that and my shower time.

I believe it was Wednesday that I received my Total Workout Kit in the mail which included my CRT (Cellulite Removal Technique) kit. I watched the video to learn the sequence she recommends for brushing or exercising your skin and thus strengthening it to be the "girdle" it is supposed to be.
The brush is a coarse natural bristled brush and as much as my skin is not used to be treated this way, I love it!  My skin is so soft afterward and I have noticed a bit less of a need for lotion on my arms and legs.  It takes me maybe 5 min before my shower.  I have added her Premium Alfalfa Blend which I take 3x/day for 30 days and the Fibertox 2x/day for 30 days.  We'll see what kind of results that brings.

With my Total Workout System I received 3 bonus videos.  Every month they change the bonus videos for the people who order the Total Workout System.  Mine were Basic Plus Tempo DVD, Total Workout Super Slow DVD and Finger & Foot Fitness DVD.

I spent a good 1.5 hours watching the Finger and Foot Fitness DVD.  It is a recording of one of the workouts from their annual retreat.  I learned some important things!  Since I have noticed my tendency to wake up every morning with swollen hands and feet, it was interesting to hear that your hands and feet hold toxins too.  There is lymph there that needs to be moved as well by exercise of these outer regions of the body.  The tops of your feet especially hold toxins and the metatarsals (I hope I spelled that right) need to be stretched and exercised.  What was so great about it all was that when I woke up the next morning my feet/arch didn't hurt to the degree it normally does every morning.  I think these movements for the hands and feet are something I would like to do 1/wk until I get it down and then when ever I feel like I need it.

I also want to briefly comment on how this workout is helping my hormones.  My cycle this month regulated to 28 days which for me is rare.  I normally have a 33-36 day cycle.  I'll take this added benefit as I hope to get pregnant in the near future and have a healthy and full pregnancy.  That would be very interesting too, sharing with you my next pregnancy experience (if there is one) and how T-Tapp might help that.

This morning I actually did 2 BWO+ workouts.  One of my sisters is visiting for LDS Conference Weekend and I invited her to watch me do it and then we went through the Instructional video together.  She says she likes the focus of the tucking the tummy in.  She has experienced this technique in other workouts and so T-Tapp doesn't seem weird that way.  It also got her heart rate up and blood going in the 20 min instructional video.  Her only complaint was the lack of music and rhythm.  I guess Teresa's workout voice wasn't sing-song enough :)

I am still excited for the places my body can go from here.  Great things ahead...ONWARD!

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