
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Gift

Recently I looked up the word EXERCISE in the dictionary.

Read through the definitions and see what stands out to you.


[ek-ser-sahyz]  noun, verb, -cised, -cis·ing.
1. bodily or mental exertion, esp. for the sake of training or improvement of health: Walking is good exercise.
2. something done or performed as a means of practice or training: exercises for the piano.
3. a putting into action, use, operation, or effect: the exercise of caution.
4. a written composition, musical piece, or artistic work executed for practice or to illustrate a particular aspect of technique.
5. Often, exercises. a traditional ceremony: graduation exercises.
6. a religious observance or service.
–verb (used with object)
7. to put through exercises, or forms of practice or exertion, designed to train, develop, condition, or the like: to exercise a horse.
8. to put (faculties, rights, etc.) into action, practice, or use: to exercise freedom of speech.
9. to use or display in one's action or procedure: to exercise judgment.
10. to make use of (one's privileges, powers, etc.): to exercise one's constitutional rights.
11. to discharge (a function); perform: to exercise the duties of one's office.
12. to have as an effect: to exercise an influence on someone.
13. to worry; make uneasy; annoy: to be much exercised about one's health.
–verb (used without object)
14. to go through exercises; take bodily exercise.

1300–50;  ME (n.) < MF exercice  < L exercitium,  equiv. to exercit ( us ) ptp. of exercēre  to train ( ex- ex-1  + -ercit-,  s. of comb. form of arcēre  to restrain) + -ium  n. suffix

I found it interesting that the word EXERCISE is connected to the word PRACTICE. 

I see my body as a gift and am learning that gifts are magnified as we practice them.

There are many options and approaches to take, but the key is consistency. 

I have received my gift in that I have a body and now I am giving my body a gift by practicing it to repair, rebuild and rejuvenate. 

What are you going to give your body today?

1 comment:

  1. Tam I continue to be super impressed by your consistency! Way to go! I am proud of you and can't wait to see you soon and compliment you on your hot new bod!! Love you tam.
