
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 6 Measurements & Day 15

Just to keep you all informed of my routine and progress:

Day 10 - Rested!
Day 11 - TWO - Because I didn't have access to my computer, I decided to do this workout straight from the book.  Learned a lot about what I don't know by approaching the workout this way.  There are also some different things in the book that arn't included in the TWO video.  Small things, but as always, the workout was GREAT!
Day 12 - Rested
Day 13 - Rested (Sunday baby!)
Day 14 - TWO - noticed I am getting a better KF to my Tummy and have more endurance to keep muscles engaged for longer during each move.  Basically I am slacking off less!

This morning I had my lovely hot lemon water, which I love.  I have learned from Ann Louise Gittleman author of Fat Flush For Life, how this concoction helps stimulate the liver bile, getting that liver working is essential to fat loss too.

Just an FYI, I did my measurements before I did my workout.

Day 15 - TODAY!!!- I was feeling up for a workout today, even though I could have allowed myself to rest.  So I did the BWO+ with audio only.  Once again, I learned how much I rely on the video to show me what I am to do.  So it is a good reminder that I am slowly assimilating these moves into my brain, so I can do them at any moments notice without video or audio.

So the Final Results for Week 6!

I lost .25" in my Bust, Pecs, Waist and each Upper Arm and also on my Right Lower Thigh.  (which I think my left lower thigh/knee is swollen a bit as it is the knee that always gives me a bit of trouble.) In my Ribs a .5" loss. 

If you remember how I fretted about my lack of inch loss last week with a big fat 0, we are back on track this week with 2" total loss.  I'll take it!  Total inch loss in 6 weeks is 12" 


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TWO Day 9

Today as I woke up in my bed as seen above, I debated in my mind if I should actually do my TWO today.  I put it off too long and though my procrastination sorta put the rest of my day behind schedule, I DID IT!

I got some great feedback on the T-Tapp Forum last night.  Mostly people were saying to listen to my body.  I feel I am on track to rotate between TWO and BWO+ with some extra moves added in for fun here and there.  This morning I even added the Jogging sequence.  WOW!  That got my calves burning for sure!  Someone suggested that since most of my inch loss has been waist and above, to re-evaluate my KLT and Core Curls.  I know that this is an area where my Nuro-Kenetic awareness hasn't been really great.  I can totally tuck my butt, no prob, but getting my tummy muscles to pull in on a consistent basis is really hard for me.  Maybe I will just chalk up the lack of NK flow to 5 pregnancies.

During the workouts you are thinking about so many different things that it is very easy to forget your T-Tapp stance or at least do it completely correct all the time.

It was also suggested to me to do the TWO instructional video for a good week.  I should do it again.  Though I loved all the new details given in the TWO Superslow DVD,  results start from getting the basic moves down before I tweak them anymore.

I also tried to do my lunges today with a shorter stance.  Though I am flexible enough to have a wider stance, I really wanted to focus on the core activation and points of perfection. 

So I look forward to tomorrow's BWO+ and maybe some Tummy moves to improve the NK flow there.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TWO Day 8

Day 8 - I stuck with the BWO+ today.  Felt good and got a lot of great responses on the T-Tapp forum.  THANKS LADIES!

Week 5 Measurements

Let me just say, I am a bit perplexed. 

I won't even post my measurements today because NOTHING HAS CHANGED! 

For the last 7 days I have had some intense workouts!  I did the Total Workout for 6 of the 7 days (nothing on Sunday) and not only have I gained 2 pounds back but I didn't loose any inches.

So my mind is thinking hard about this.  I decided to join the T-Tapp forums and post my question there, hoping that someone more experienced can give me advice.

I will be honest.  My body is tired.  My knee is hurting a little bit and maybe I am just pushing myself too much.  My current plan is trade off between TWO and BWO+ for 6 days a week and rest on Sunday.  I even wonder if that is too much. 

I am consistent in my skin brushing.  I do that once a day after my workout and before the shower.  I am taking my Premium Alfalfa Blend and my Multi 2x/ day.  I get around 7-8 hours of sleep and my eating isn't horrible but I am not really following the GM/MM food guidelines. 

Do I feel good in my clothes? YES! Totally!  I love feeling like my jean are on my legs not sucked to them.  I also can feel a difference in the way my shirts fit my arms. 

I love the feeling of this workout, so it is hard for me to want to rest and not do even the BWO+ on my off days. 

I did read on the forums to not really expect weight loss for 2 months, so I will not get on that box yet. 

Overall...I have to trust that consistency is the key to this whole thing. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

TWO Days 4, 5, 6 and 7

Day 4 - TWO
Day 5 - TWO
Day 6 - Rested
Day 7 - TWO - the hardest of them all!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

TWO Days 2 & 3

Surprise!  I am sore!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I sorta am.  I didn't have any real muscle soreness during the whole month of BWO+, but I really feel it now.  Most particularly in my Lats.  I guess that is a good thing as it signals to me that I am holding proper form and strengthening muscles.

I have done the TWO for 3 days.  Day 1 was the Instructional video, Day 2 was Super Slow TWO that came with my Total Workout System and Day 3 was the normal TWO video. 

I am still catching onto the moves, but I am SO glad I did Super Slow.  It took a good 90 min, but so worth it as I learned so many more moves that will help the workouts to be more effective and my muscles more engaged.  I was impressed with how Teresa focused so much time, at least 1 hour detailed instruction for the moves included in the Basic Workout.  Just goes to show how powerful that 15 min workout can be especially when approached with the right techniques.

I also finished watching the YES YOU CAN video Seminar.  Realized again that when/if I get preggers again, this will be a wonderful workout to help with my tendency to have borderline Gestational Diabetes.  Good stuff all the way around!

I was looking through the T-Tapp Facebook Profile and saw links to other blogs and postings about the recent annual T-Tapp retreat.  It is great to see people succeed at this.  Maybe someday I will get to attend this retreat too and feel the positive energy from all these people!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Total Workout (TWO) Day 1

Even with such great results...I am going for more.

I am stepping up my intensity and going to be doing the Total Workout for up to 14 days in a row and then every other day for the following 14 days.  Making this next test a 28 day trial. 

Look for the final results on Nov 9!

I took the time to do the instructional video today.  There are a lot of new sequences, but it is going to be great!  I love that she approaches her moves with sequences or groups of moves.  It makes it all more interesting and the time goes by faster.  This workout is 60 min long when you are learning it, but down to 45min once you get it down. 

I also watched her instructional seminar called "Yes you can with T-Tapp."  Really inspiring!  I appreciate her desire to teach people ways to improve the quality of their life from any age or any stage.  I don't get the feeling from watching her that her motivation is money based.  She really is fulfilled by bringing options and better health to everyone.

Final Results of BWO+ Test

I completed my 4 week test of T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus (BWO+) on Sunday.  I measured myself Monday morning and here are the final results!



Let us now analyze:

You might not really see the difference, but I most noticeably see changes in my mid section and a tad bit in my thighs.  That is only looking at the pictures very carefully though.  If we look at the numbers though we have some Gold, Silver, and Bronze to award.

GOLD goes to my WAIST with a total inches lost of 3!
SILVER goes to my PECS with 1.75 inches lost!
BRONZE goes to my BUST with 1.25"
and HONORABLE MENTION because I love this inch loss especially, goes to my ARMS with 1" lost off each arm!

My whole body did awesome these last 4 weeks.  I lost a total of 11" and 2 pounds. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 23, 24, 25 & 26

Yes, even with the lack of posting I am keeping up with my every other day routine.  Every day I am learning new techniques which make the workout a workout!  I recently shared T-Tapp with a couple people.  It is exciting stuff!  I have a friend who will be contributing to this blog in the near future and her experiences.  I figure that the more variety we have on this blog of different people's experiences the more it will help others see how this program is for everyone and everyone can get results.

I plan on beginning the TOTAL WORKOUT on Monday, so I will take my rest day on Sunday and do my last BWO+ on Saturday.  I hope to do the Total workout for 14 days and then every other day with BWO+ on my "rest" days.  This is ambitious I know...but I am up for the challenge.  I have developed muscles in the last few weeks that seem to have been dormant for a long time.  I am more conscious of my body and the muscles I activate as I go about my day.  I am ready for the 55 min workout.  Hopefully my kids are too, because they'll have to let me be for 1 hour every day!

Also, I wanted to share that Teresa Tapp has a YouTube channel where you can see some of her free videos and segments of her workout.


Part 1 
Part 2

Hoe Downs!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Gift

Recently I looked up the word EXERCISE in the dictionary.

Read through the definitions and see what stands out to you.


[ek-ser-sahyz]  noun, verb, -cised, -cis·ing.
1. bodily or mental exertion, esp. for the sake of training or improvement of health: Walking is good exercise.
2. something done or performed as a means of practice or training: exercises for the piano.
3. a putting into action, use, operation, or effect: the exercise of caution.
4. a written composition, musical piece, or artistic work executed for practice or to illustrate a particular aspect of technique.
5. Often, exercises. a traditional ceremony: graduation exercises.
6. a religious observance or service.
–verb (used with object)
7. to put through exercises, or forms of practice or exertion, designed to train, develop, condition, or the like: to exercise a horse.
8. to put (faculties, rights, etc.) into action, practice, or use: to exercise freedom of speech.
9. to use or display in one's action or procedure: to exercise judgment.
10. to make use of (one's privileges, powers, etc.): to exercise one's constitutional rights.
11. to discharge (a function); perform: to exercise the duties of one's office.
12. to have as an effect: to exercise an influence on someone.
13. to worry; make uneasy; annoy: to be much exercised about one's health.
–verb (used without object)
14. to go through exercises; take bodily exercise.

1300–50;  ME (n.) < MF exercice  < L exercitium,  equiv. to exercit ( us ) ptp. of exercēre  to train ( ex- ex-1  + -ercit-,  s. of comb. form of arcēre  to restrain) + -ium  n. suffix

I found it interesting that the word EXERCISE is connected to the word PRACTICE. 

I see my body as a gift and am learning that gifts are magnified as we practice them.

There are many options and approaches to take, but the key is consistency. 

I have received my gift in that I have a body and now I am giving my body a gift by practicing it to repair, rebuild and rejuvenate. 

What are you going to give your body today?

Day 21, 22 and MEASUREMENTS

Let's begin with the important stuff.

I was going to get a bit down on myself for my 1.25 inch loss this week.  But as I have been thinking about it I am not going to play that out in my mind and am going to be only positive and grateful.  My body is making great changes and steady progress.  Even with this great personal progress, I know myself and that I want even more results, faster.  There are lots of changes my body is making, in ways I can't even see or measure.  Consistency is my friend.  I would expect that some weeks I might have absolutely no inch loss, but that is better than an inch gained!

I have considered again the fact that I am not losing any weight.  Well, 1 pound for the 3 weeks I have done this.  So, I found this quote in Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes 

"It is important to remember that T-Tapp's focus is not on losing weight but on shedding inches and completely reshaping your body so that you look and feel better.  Naturally, as soon as you start losing inches, the pounds typically follow.  That's because once your deveoping muscles get hungry, they will feast on the best fuel of all: your body fat."

So I hold onto that assurance for right now.  I will be patient and wait for the results I can SEE but trust that there are results I hidden to my view.

Teresa Tapp makes the statement that by following her workout for 4 weeks you can loose up to 2 dress sizes.  In her book she states that 6-8 inches is equivalent to a dress size. (see pg. 18)  So I have one more week for my 4 week test and it is looking good with 10.25" lost.

I have also thought to look more seriously into living the God Made/Man Made food approach as well as moving on from BWO+ to the Total Workout.  I might make these changes after I finish my 4th and final week of this BWO+ test and begin a new test with the Total Workout.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Days 18, 19 and 20

I have been able to do my workouts every other day this week. Even with a toddler hanging all over my legs and as annoying as that was, I finished it. This is as much of a training process for me as it is for my kiddos...that 15 minutes of the day is mine...that and my shower time.

I believe it was Wednesday that I received my Total Workout Kit in the mail which included my CRT (Cellulite Removal Technique) kit. I watched the video to learn the sequence she recommends for brushing or exercising your skin and thus strengthening it to be the "girdle" it is supposed to be.
The brush is a coarse natural bristled brush and as much as my skin is not used to be treated this way, I love it!  My skin is so soft afterward and I have noticed a bit less of a need for lotion on my arms and legs.  It takes me maybe 5 min before my shower.  I have added her Premium Alfalfa Blend which I take 3x/day for 30 days and the Fibertox 2x/day for 30 days.  We'll see what kind of results that brings.

With my Total Workout System I received 3 bonus videos.  Every month they change the bonus videos for the people who order the Total Workout System.  Mine were Basic Plus Tempo DVD, Total Workout Super Slow DVD and Finger & Foot Fitness DVD.

I spent a good 1.5 hours watching the Finger and Foot Fitness DVD.  It is a recording of one of the workouts from their annual retreat.  I learned some important things!  Since I have noticed my tendency to wake up every morning with swollen hands and feet, it was interesting to hear that your hands and feet hold toxins too.  There is lymph there that needs to be moved as well by exercise of these outer regions of the body.  The tops of your feet especially hold toxins and the metatarsals (I hope I spelled that right) need to be stretched and exercised.  What was so great about it all was that when I woke up the next morning my feet/arch didn't hurt to the degree it normally does every morning.  I think these movements for the hands and feet are something I would like to do 1/wk until I get it down and then when ever I feel like I need it.

I also want to briefly comment on how this workout is helping my hormones.  My cycle this month regulated to 28 days which for me is rare.  I normally have a 33-36 day cycle.  I'll take this added benefit as I hope to get pregnant in the near future and have a healthy and full pregnancy.  That would be very interesting too, sharing with you my next pregnancy experience (if there is one) and how T-Tapp might help that.

This morning I actually did 2 BWO+ workouts.  One of my sisters is visiting for LDS Conference Weekend and I invited her to watch me do it and then we went through the Instructional video together.  She says she likes the focus of the tucking the tummy in.  She has experienced this technique in other workouts and so T-Tapp doesn't seem weird that way.  It also got her heart rate up and blood going in the 20 min instructional video.  Her only complaint was the lack of music and rhythm.  I guess Teresa's workout voice wasn't sing-song enough :)

I am still excited for the places my body can go from here.  Great things ahead...ONWARD!